Blemish Gel

(1 customer review)


Treat your blemishes the all-natural way with the essential oils of tea tree and lavender in an aloe vera and witch hazel base. Witch hazel is a great natural astringent. Tea tree and lavender essential oils work to kill the bacteria that causes pimples while the aloe gel restores moisture to your skin. Use up to twice daily on clean skin.


Ingredients: Aloe gel, witch hazel, tea tree and lavender essential oils.

0.35 oz

Additional information

Weight 1.5 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 3.5 in

1 review for Blemish Gel

  1. Kristy Justice (verified owner)

    Perfect for the young teen that struggles with occasional breakouts and I don’t have to worry about harmful ingredients, I highly recommend it.

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