Bug Voyage Spray

(1 customer review)


For convenience or for settings of low to moderate density of insects, this spray offers easy to use protection from a variety of insects including mosquitos. Spray on skin and clothing before going outside and enjoy this effective insect repellent made without harmful chemicals. This spray is also a safe choice for pregnant women and small children.


Ingredients: Distilled water, ethyl alcohol, cedarwood, lemongrass, geranium, lavender, and citronella essential oils.

4 oz

Additional information

Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 2.5 × 2.5 × 5 in

1 review for Bug Voyage Spray

  1. Jan (verified owner)

    I have been using this insect repellent for several years, and it is awesome. Unfortunately, I am allergic to everything, but this insect repellent has never given me any problems. I couldn’t get through the summer without it.

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