Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)


Rosemary for remembrance the old saying goes. And indeed rosemary is a stimulant and a tonic to the brain a well as the body. It aids memory and relieves mental strain as well as being useful for fatigue, muscle soreness, and arthritis. It is also a decongestant and a hair tonic, especially useful for the treatment of dandruff. Caution: Avoid if you have a history of epilepsy or high blood pressure or are pregnant.

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For external use only. All essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil before using topically.

Plant Part:

flowering top/leaf

Country Of Origin:


Method Of Extraction:

Steam Distillation

Additional information

Weight 4.5 oz
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 4.5 in



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